Serap Brown- 19 March 2020

I did not know
it would be this easy,
to shut down
private companies,
that pollute air and water.
I did not know
it would be this easy,
to see air and water clean,
when humans isolate at home.
And I did not know
it would be this easy,
to take a pause in life,
in countries,
with millions of humans.
Thousands of people,
travelling by planes,
around the globe
now stay still.
Flights are cancelled.
Airports are empty.
Borders are closed.
Are we in war?
I do not know.
Clean air,
Clean water.
No school, no work,
No face to face interaction.
No reason to drive.
No need,
for oil extraction,
finance, production.
Now the focus is on:
Reduction, elimination.
I did not know
it would be this easy,
to witness
global change,
in behavior.
Who would know,
global change in behavior
would spread faster
than a novel virus.
I did not know.
